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This is an in-depth explanation of reducers. For simple usage examples, check out the "Getting started" page.

What is it?

A reducer defines how to combine a lazy collection of values into a single final value, synchronously or asynchronously. As the values are iteratively combined, the in-progress final value is known as the "accumulator".

A reducer is primarily represented by the OptionalReducer, AsyncOptionalReducer, Reducer, AsyncReducer, KeyedReducer, and AsyncKeyedReducer types, depending on the async work required, the possibility of not producing a final value, and the need to access accumulator values by key.

There are also other types that represent reducers, such as FunctionReducer and AsyncFunctionReducer, but they all normalize to one of the aforementioned types using normalizeReducer.


lfi functions with names that start with to, like toArray and toSum, are reducers.

How do I use it?

A sync reducer can be passed to the reduce, reduceAsync, and reduceConcur functions while an async reducer can be passed to the reduceAsync and reduceConcur functions.

Reducers can also be composed together to create more complex and powerful ones using higher-order reducers such toGrouped and toMultiple.

FunctionReducer and AsyncFunctionReducer

The simplest reducer is the function reducer. It defines how to combine two values of the same type into a single value, also of that type.

For example, consider the following code:

import { map, or, pipe, reduce } from 'lfi'

const sumSquares = numbers =>
map(number => number * number),
// Reduce the iterable to one value by repeatedly calling the function with
// pairs of values until only one remains
reduce((number1, number2) => {
console.log(`add(${number1}, ${number2})`)
return number1 + number2
// But what if the iterable is empty? `reduce` returns an optional when
// passed a function reducer because it doesn't define what to do for zero
// values
or(() => 0),

console.log(sumSquares([1, 2, 3]))
//=> add(1, 4)
//=> add(5, 9)
//=> 14
//=> 0

OptionalReducer and AsyncOptionalReducer

A slightly more complex reducer is the optional reducer. It's an object with:

  • An add function, matching the behavior of a function reducer1
  • An optional finish function, which transforms the final value

For example, consider the following code:

import { map, or, pipe, reduce } from 'lfi'

const sumSquares = numbers =>
map(number => number * number),
// This behaves identically to passing a function reducer
add: (number1, number2) => {
console.log(`add(${number1}, ${number2})`)
return number1 + number2
or(() => 0),

console.log(sumSquares([1, 2, 3]))
//=> add(1, 4)
//=> add(5, 9)
//=> 14
//=> 0

const sumSquaresMessage = numbers =>
map(number => number * number),
// This behaves identically to passing a function reducer, except the final
// value is transformed using `finish`
add: (number1, number2) => {
console.log(`add(${number1}, ${number2})`)
return number1 + number2
finish: sum => {
return `The sum of the squares is ${sum}`
or(() => `There were no numbers!`),

console.log(sumSquaresMessage([1, 2, 3]))
//=> add(1, 4)
//=> add(5, 9)
//=> finish(14)
//=> The sum of the squares is 14
//=> There were no numbers!

Reducer and AsyncReducer

An even more complex reducer is the reducer. It's an object with:

  • A create function, which produces the initial accumulator value
  • An add function, which produces a new accumulator by combining the current accumulator with a value from the iterable
  • An optional finish function, which transforms the final value

Unlike an optional reducer, the accumulator's type can differ from the type of the values in the iterable.

For example, consider the following code:

import { map, or, pipe, reduce } from 'lfi'

const sumSquares = numbers =>
map(number => number * number),
// Reduce the iterable to one value by calling `create`, and then calling
// `add` with the current accumulator and the next iterable value to get the
// new accumulator until the iterable is exhausted
// This is exactly how `lfi`'s `toSum` function is implemented!
create: () => {
return 0
add: (sum, number) => {
console.log(`add(${sum}, ${number})`)
return sum + number
// No `or` needed here! `reduce` doesn't return an optional for a full
// reducer because it defines what to do for zero values using `create`

console.log(sumSquares([1, 2, 3]))
//=> create()
//=> add(0, 1)
//=> add(1, 4)
//=> add(5, 9)
//=> 14
//=> create()
//=> 0

const meanSquares = numbers =>
map(number => number * number),
// The accumulator's type can differ from the type of the values in the
// iterable. This is useful for maintaining multiple pieces of state while
// reducing and then aggregating the final state in `finish`
// This _isn't_ how `lfi`'s `toMean` function is implemented. Read on to
// learn more!
create: () => {
return { sum: 0, count: 0 }
add: ({ sum, count }, number) => {
console.log(`add({ sum: ${sum}, count: ${count} }, ${number})`)
return { sum: sum + number, count: count + 1 }
finish: ({ sum, count }) => {
console.log(`finish({ sum: ${sum}, count: ${count} })`)
return count === 0 ? NaN : sum / count

console.log(meanSquares([1, 2, 3]))
//=> create()
//=> add({ sum: 0, count: 0 }, 1)
//=> add({ sum: 1, count: 1 }, 4)
//=> add({ sum: 5, count: 2 }, 9)
//=> finish({ sum: 14, count: 3 })
//=> 4.666666666666667
//=> create()
//=> finish({ sum: 0, count: 0 })
//=> NaN

KeyedReducer and AsyncKeyedReducer

The most complex reducer is the keyed reducer. It is essentially a full reducer that:

  • Only works on iterables containing key-value pairs, arrays containing two values
  • Has a get function, which produces the value in the accumulator associated with the given key, or the NO_ENTRY sentinel value2 if the accumulator does not contain the key

The get function is currently only called by the higher-order toGrouped reducer.


It's unlikely you'd need to implement a KeyedReducer unless you're implementing a reducer for your own custom keyed collection type.

For example, consider the following code:

import { pipe, reduce, toArray, toGrouped, NO_ENTRY } from 'lfi'

/** A map that always has a sloth! 🦥 */
class SlothMap extends Map {
get(key) {
if (!super.has(key) && key === `sloth`) {
// Throw to avoid admitting there's no sloth.
throw new Error(`Something went wrong...`)

return super.get(key)

has(key) {
return key === `sloth` || super.has(key)

const toSlothMap = () => ({
create: () => {
return new SlothMap()
add: (acc, [key, value]) => {
`add(${acc}, [${JSON.stringify(key)}, ${JSON.stringify(value)}])`,
return acc.set(key, value)
get: (acc, key) => {
`get(${JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(acc))}, ${JSON.stringify(key)})`,
return acc.has(key) ? acc.get(key) : NO_ENTRY

const slothMap1 = pipe(
[`dog`, `bark`],
[`cat`, `meow`],
[`bunny`, `purr`],
// This reduces the pairs to a `SlothMap`, but doesn't make use of the `get` function

//=> bark
//=> true

const slothMap2 = pipe(
[`dog`, `bark`],
[`cat`, `meow`],
[`dog`, `woof`],
[`bunny`, `purr`],
[`cat`, `purr`],
// This reduces the pairs to a `SlothMap` that maps each key to an array of the
// values it was associated with. This _does_ make use of the `get` function
reduce(toGrouped(toArray(), toSlothMap())),

//=> [ 'bark', 'woof' ]
//=> true


Probably the most powerful aspect of reducers is that they can be composed together to create more complex ones using higher-order reducers.


toGrouped accepts an "inner" reducer and an "outer" keyed reducer to create a reducer that:

  1. Accepts an iterable of key-value pairs
  2. Groups values by key using the outer reducer
  3. Reduces each group using the inner reducer

Plus, toGrouped does not unnecessarily buffer each group's values. It streams each group through the inner reducer!

For example, consider the following code:

import {
} from 'lfi'

[`sloth`, `lazy`, `sleep`],
map(word => [word.length, word]),
reduce(toGrouped(toArray(), toMap())),
//=> Map(2) {
//=> 5 => [ 'sloth', 'sleep' ],
//=> 4 => [ 'lazy' ]
//=> }

[`sloth`, `lazy`, `sleep`],
map(word => [word.length, word]),
reduce(toGrouped(toJoin(` and `), toMap())),
//=> Map(2) {
//=> 5 => 'sloth and sleep',
//=> 4 => 'lazy'
//=> }

[`sloth`, `lazy`, `sleep`],
map(word => [word.length, word]),
toMinBy((word1, word2) => word1.localeCompare(word2)),
//=> Map(2) {
//=> 5 => 'sleep',
//=> 4 => 'lazy'
//=> }


toMultiple accepts an array of reducers or an object with reducers for values to create a reducer that reduces using all of the given reducers in parallel.

import { map, pipe, reduce, toCount, toJoin, toMultiple, toSet } from 'lfi'

[`sloth`, `lazy`, `sleep`],
map(word => word.length),
reduce(toMultiple([toSet(), toCount(), toJoin(`,`)])),
//=> [
//=> Set(2) { 5, 4 },
//=> 3,
//=> '5,4,5'
//=> ]

[`sloth`, `lazy`, `sleep`],
map(word => word.length),
set: toSet(),
count: toCount(),
string: toJoin(`,`),
//=> {
//=> set: Set(2) { 5, 4 },
//=> count: 3,
//=> string: '5,4,5'
//=> }

mapReducer and mapAsyncReducer

mapReducer and mapAsyncReducer are to reducers what map, mapAsync, and mapConcur are to iterables. mapReducer and mapAsyncReducer accept a callback and a reducer to create a reducer identical to the input one, except it's final value is transformed using the callback.

For example, consider the following code:

import { mapReducer, pipe, reduce, toCount, toMultiple, toSum } from 'lfi'

const computeMean = numbers =>
// This is exactly how `lfi`'s `toMean` function is implemented!
([sum, count]) => (count === 0 ? NaN : sum / count),
toMultiple([toSum(), toCount()]),

console.log(computeMean([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
//=> 3

//=> NaN

In what order are values combined?

When passing a sync reducer, reduce, reduceAsync, and reduceConcur combine values in iteration order. For example, consider the following code:

// Assume this gets the next value in the iterable
const next = () => {
/* ... */

// The first value in the iterable becomes the accumulator
let acc = next()
// Each subsequent value in the iterable combines with the current accumulator
// to become the new accumulator
acc = add(acc, next())
acc = add(acc, next())
// ...
// Then the accumulator goes through a final transformation, if applicable
acc = finish(acc)

However, when passing an async reducer, reduceAsync does not necessarily combine in this same order, even though an async iterable has a clear iteration order. Why is that?

Consider the following code:

// Assume this gets the next value in the async iterable
const next = async () => {
/* ... */

let acc = await next()
// What if awaiting this `add` call takes a long time? 🤔
acc = await add(acc, await next())
acc = await add(
// We're unnecessarily waiting to kick off this async work!
await next(),
// ...
acc = await finish(acc)

Each await next() or await add(...) may take a long time, and in the meantime no other async work is being kicked off. It's inefficient to wait on the first add(...) promise to resolve before kicking off another next() call because that's not maximizing the async work happening concurrently.

Instead of alternating between awaiting next() and add(...) sequentially, lfi maximizes the async work happening concurrently by:

  • Iterating through the async iterable as quickly as possible
  • Kicking off an add(...) call that doesn't block the async iterable iteration whenever there's an accumulator and async iterable value available to combine
  • Kicking off a combine(...) call that doesn't block the async iterable iteration whenever there are two accumulators available to combine
  • Kicking off an add(await create(), ...) call that doesn't block the async iterable iteration whenever an async iterable value is available, but there is no accumulator to combine it with. This makes progress because an accumulator can be combined with an async iterable value or another accumulator, but two async iterable values cannot be combined

This continues until one accumulator remains, at which point it is transformed with finish and returned.

reduceConcur works the same way, but the observed behavior is less surprising because the iteration order of a concur iterable is already not deterministic.

How is it different from Array.prototype.reduce's callback function?

A sync function reducer is almost identical to Array.prototype.reduce's callback function, but reducers in general are more powerful because they can:

  • Define additional functions that enable encapsulation, composition, and improved performance in the async case
  • Be async while Array.prototype.reduce's callback function cannot be without making the accumulator a promise

How is defining finish different from transforming after reduce, reduceAsync, or reduceConcur?

In some cases it's not! However, the finish function is still useful for:

  • Encapsulating reducer logic, which is especially useful when composing reducers
  • Producing a final value whose type differs from the input types, in the case of an OptionalReducer or AsyncOptionalReducer


  1. Under the hood, a function reducer is normalized into an optional reducer with just an add function. 2

  2. NO_ENTRY is used instead of null or undefined because the latter may be valid key-value pair values. 2