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Getting started


Run the following command to install lfi from npm:

npm install lfi

Or import lfi directly from a CDN:

<script type="module">
import { filter, map, pipe, reduce, toSet } from ''

// Your code...


Sync iterables

lfi exports functions for processing sync iterables. Here we show how to:

  1. Take an iterable, in this case an array
  2. Map and filter its elements
  3. Collect the elements into a data structure, in this case an array
import { filter, map, pipe, reduce, toArray } from 'lfi'

const messySlothDiaryEntries = [
[`Strawberry`, `slept`],
[`max`, `ate `],
[`max`, ``],
[`STRAWBERRY`, `climbed`],
[`Bitsy`, `ate`],
[`bitsy`, `strolled`],
[`strawberry`, `Slept`],
[`Bitsy`, ` `],

const cleanSlothDiaryEntries =
// Pass the entries through each operation in order, and then return the last
// operation's result
// Transform each entry by trimming and lowercasing strings
map(([sloth, activity]) => [
// Remove each entry that has an empty activity
filter(([, activity]) => activity.length > 0),
// Collect the clean entries into an array

//=> [
//=> [ 'strawbery', 'slept' ],
//=> [ 'max', 'ate' ],
//=> [ 'strawbery', 'climbed' ],
//=> [ 'bitsy', 'ate' ],
//=> [ 'bitsy', 'strolled' ],
//=> [ 'strawbery', 'slept' ]
//=> ]

Async iterables

lfi also exports functions for processing async iterables. Here we show how to:

  1. Take an async iterable, in this case one that reads a file line by line
  2. Group and map its elements asynchronously
  3. Collect the elements into a promise that resolves to a data structure, in this case an array
import {
} from 'lfi'

// The file has one sloth name per line
const filename = `every-sloth-name.txt`

const slothSquadStatementsPromise = pipe(
// Create an async iterable over the file lines, in this case sloth names
(await fetch(new URL(`${filename}`))).body,
flatMapAsync(chunk => new TextDecoder().decode(chunk).split(`\n`)),
// Chunk the sloth names into array groups of 4, also known as a sloth squad
// Transform each sloth squad into a statement by asynchronously querying an
// API for an adjective to describe the squad
mapAsync(async slothSquad => {
const [adjective] = await (
await fetch(``)
const leadingSloths = slothSquad.slice(0, 3)
const trailingSloth =
return `${leadingSloths.join(`, `)}, and ${trailingSloth} are ${adjective}!`
// Collect the statements into a promise that resolves to an array

console.log(await slothSquadStatementsPromise)
//=> [
//=> 'strawberry, max, bitsy, and tommy jolly!',
//=> 'penny, millie, coco, and polly are kindhearted!',
//=> 'betty, bubbles, pearl, and sid are stylish!',
//=> 'ava, brooke, lottie, and jeremiah are beloved!'
//=> ]

Concurrent iterables

You may have noticed that the previous example queries the API sequentially. Each sloth squad has to wait for the previous squad's query to finish before it can make its own query.

Sloths may be slow, but that doesn't mean we have to be!

lfi also exports functions for its own custom concurrent iterable protocol. Here we show how to:

  1. Take an async iterable, in this case the one from the previous example
  2. Convert it to a concurrent iterable, also known as a "concur iterable"
  3. Map its elements concurrently
  4. Collect the elements into a promise that resolves to a data structure, in this case an array, concurrently
import {
} from 'lfi'

// The file has one sloth name per line
const filename = `every-sloth-name.txt`

const slothSquadStatementsPromise = pipe(
// Create an async iterable over the file lines, in this case sloth names
(await fetch(new URL(`${filename}`))).body,
flatMapAsync(chunk => new TextDecoder().decode(chunk).split(`\n`)),
// Chunk the sloth names into array groups of 4, also known as a sloth squad
// Convert the async iterable into a concur iterable. Every subsequent
// operation will process the sloth squads concurrently without waiting on
// other squads
// Transform each sloth squad into a statement by asynchronously querying an
// API for an adjective to describe the squad, all concurrently with other
// squads
mapConcur(async slothSquad => {
const [adjective] = await (
await fetch(``)
const leadingSloths = slothSquad.slice(0, 3)
const trailingSloth =
return `${leadingSloths.join(`, `)}, and ${trailingSloth} are ${adjective}`
// Collect the statements into a promise that resolves to an array. Note that
// the concurrency means that the order of statements in the array may not
// match the order of the sloths in the file

console.log(await slothSquadStatementsPromise)
//=> [
//=> 'strawberry, max, bitsy, and tommy jolly!',
//=> 'ava, brooke, lottie, and jeremiah are beloved!',
//=> 'betty, bubbles, pearl, and sid are stylish!',
//=> 'penny, millie, coco, and polly are kindhearted!'
//=> ]

What's next?

Check out the various lfi concepts, the full API docs, or the playground.